12-Year-Old Pays It Forward After Homeless Man Returns Grandmother’s Lost Wallet

Mikayla Gounard, 12, is repaying an act of kindness her 80-year-old grandma Evelyn Topper gave her. Evelyn noticed she was missing her wallet after picking up an order from Kamson Coffee for her granddaughter and herself.

Sean Currey just happened to be rummaging through the trash can behind the coffee shop for food when he found the lost wallet. Despite friends’ suggestions to use credit cards, he ultimately made the decision to find the owner and return it in person.

In a parking lot near a mall, Sean, who is currently living out of his car, and Evelyn met. As an expression of her gratitude, Evelyn gave him some cash and told her granddaughter about the “Mitzvah” she had just completed.

Mikayla was celebrating her drive-by birthday and raising money for a good cause at the same time. Sean would be the recipient of the donation, she and her family decided. A picture was put next to a money bowl with Sean’s permission to draw attention to the predicament.

At the end, Mikayla had been able to earn $475. Sean found it touching that someone so young was willing to help, and Mikayla was happy to see him grinning. However, people kept asking the family how they could help.

Mikayla and her mother, Vanessa Topper, decided to start a GoFundMe in order to raise money to assist Sean Currey in leaving the streets. He was a handyman, but he had never been without a shelter for as long as he had because of the pandemic.

Since this change, the page has received almost $30,000. transforming a good deed into another act of compassion. They also want to work with Sean to give the area’s homeless people long-term housing.