Miraculous Awakening: Woman Declared ‘Dead’ for 27 Minutes, Wakes Up with a Chilling Message

While on a trip with her husband of three decades, Brian, Tina had a heart attack and became very ill. When Brian noticed she wasn’t breathing, he started performing CPR right away, which may have saved her life.

Despite Brian’s initial success, Tina’s condition persisted as critical, necessitating six times for medical assistance before she was taken to the hospital. For 27 minutes, Tina’s heart repeatedly stopped, and she was regarded as being “dead.”.

The terrifying incident emphasizes how important it is to know CPR and get help right away if you’re having a heart attack because it could mean the difference between life and death.

It also exemplifies Tina’s tenacity and the valiant efforts of the doctors who fought to save her life.

After receiving medical care, the mother of four continued to be unresponsive and unable to speak, leading her husband, Brian, to pray for her recovery.

When medical staff informed him that his wife had regained consciousness, he realized that his prayers had been heard.

But she needed a pen and paper because her illness posed a serious threat. With all her might, Tina scrawled something dreadful onto the form, alarming everyone in the vicinity.

Every word she spoke was crucial, and both her family and the medical staff knew it.

Learn about her remarkable survival story, near-death encounter, and the terrifying message she had to deliver in the video down below. It tells the tale with a richness and depth of viewpoint that go far beyond simply restating the facts.

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