Discover the Mysteries of China’s Leye-Fengshan Global Geopark: A Journey into Hidden Natural Marvels

Are you ready for an amazing journey deep into the Earth? Wait a minute, I’m going to reveal some surprising news that will surprise you. Deep in China’s Lei Fengshan Global Geopark, scientists have stumbled upon a vast jungle hidden 200 meters below the surface of an incredible pit. Now let’s dive into the exciting world of this wonderful geopark!

nature is an amazing country
Lei Fengshan Geopark, located in China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is a treasure trove of natural wonders. This UNESCO-recognized geopark is famous for the world’s longest natural bridge and complex cave system. It has a large area and consists mainly of sedimentary rocks, providing a rich geological base for exploration. The strength of the karst terrain
One of the main features of this geopark is its unique karst terrain. Karst terrain is characterized by loose soil structures that erode over time, creating sinkholes and underground caves. Lei Fengshan Geopark beautifully displays the different stages of karst development, from beautiful natural bridges and high karst peaks to deep rock spaces and rock caves.

Find the hidden forest
In May 2022, scientists made a surprising discovery: a hole about 200 meters deep, 150 meters wide and more than 300 meters long. Inside this huge pit is a hidden forest full of mature trees and plants. The researchers were surprised by the size of this space, which is more than 300 meters long and 150 meters wide. Some plant species discovered here may be new to science!

“I would not be surprised if we find species in this cave that have not yet been documented by science,” said expedition leader Chen Lixin. It was a truly humbling sight to see large trees over 40 meters tall amidst the thick vegetation. The wonders of the karst terrain
To learn more about this amazing discovery, we turn to George Veni, Director of the National Institute of Caves and Karst. According to him, the karst terrain of this geopark is characterized by the collapse of rocks and the formation of pits. The shape and size of these pits can vary greatly depending on factors such as location and temperature.

“China has amazing karst landscapes with huge sinkholes and huge cave entrances,” says Veni. In contrast, in other parts of the world, filled pits may be only a meter or two in diameter, or cave openings may be so small that they must be squeezed out.

South China Karst Statue
It may seem surprising, but for experts like Veni, the news is not entirely surprising. With vast karst terrain, southern China is a natural paradise of fascinating caves and sinkholes. In a karst environment, slightly acidic rainwater seeps into the soil surface and gradually erodes the rock. As rainwater absorbs carbon dioxide, its acidity increases and the erosion process increases.

Over time, water seeps through cracks in the rock, creating an intricate network of tunnels and chambers. When these underground spaces become large enough, the rock above them eventually collapses, creating a magical pit.

Xiaozhai Tianken: The Pride of China
This discovery is the 31st discovery in the area, adding to its reputation as a global hotspot. It should be noted that Xiaozhai Tiankeng proudly holds the title of the largest gym in the world. Measuring 650 meters deep, 600 meters long and 500 meters wide, this massive pit features internal currents reminiscent of incredible scenes from the world of Minecraft. Join the adventure
Now that you’ve seen the majestic Hidden Forest in China’s Lei Fengshan Global Geopark, it’s time to spread the word. Share this special news with your family and friends and let them marvel at the hidden wonders of our planet!

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