Kelly Clarkson’s Controversial Discipline Method: A Parent’s Bold Choice

Were you ever spanked as a child? Spanking as a disciplinary method has sparked significant controversy in recent years. The American Academy of Pediatrics has even concluded that it can be ineffective and harmful. Yet, some parents continue to support this approach.

One such parent is Kelly Clarkson, the celebrated singer, songwriter, author, and TV personality. In a recent radio interview, she defended her decision to occasionally spank her children when they misbehave. She emphasized that she doesn’t advocate for physical abuse, but rather a gentle spanking.

Growing up in Texas, spanking was a normal part of Kelly’s childhood. She believes it shaped her into the well-rounded individual she is today. “I’m from the South, y’all, so we get spankings,” Kelly shared. She also mentioned how her mother gave permission to the principal to spank her if necessary.

Despite support from fellow parents who share her beliefs, Kelly acknowledges the challenges she faces when disciplining her children in public. She often encounters disapproving looks and judgments. Nevertheless, she stands by her choice and believes in its effectiveness.

Kelly practices open communication with her children about discipline. She warns them before resorting to spanking, calmly explaining the consequences of their actions. Surprisingly, this approach has proven beneficial. “I’m like, ‘Hi, I’m going to spank you on your bottom if you don’t stop right now, this is ridiculous,’” Kelly shared. “And honestly, it’s really helped. She doesn’t do that kind of stuff as often.”

Now, the question arises: Do you agree with Kelly Clarkson’s approach to disciplining children? Or do you believe that every parent should have the freedom to discipline their children as they see fit? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments on our Facebook page.

In a recent milestone achievement, Kelly Clarkson was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As an accomplished artist and a dedicated parent, she continues to inspire others with her talents and her willingness to openly discuss the challenges of parenting.