A heartfelt journey: Son ensures mom’s care in a nursing facility with occasional visits full of love.

This man was unable to give his mother the care and attention she required after his father passed away. She could receive the assistance she required for her daily needs at a nursing home, so he sent her there out of sadness.

He knew he should have visited his mother more frequently, but life had become more hectic than usual, making it difficult to find the time. Nevertheless, it was clear that his mother was unhappy living there.

When he heard that his mother’s condition had gotten worse, he hurried to her side. She was found unresponsive on her bed in a nursing home.

She looked him in the eyes and said, “I have some requests for you,” when he asked if there was anything he could do for her.

She was immediately given his assurance that he would make every effort to grant her final wishes.

A refrigerator and new fans were requests made by the mother due to her deteriorating health.

She had many sleepless nights because the old fans didn’t provide enough ventilation, which made her suffocate, and because the refrigerator was stocked with out-of-date food.

Her son was taken aback because he had not anticipated his mother to be in such serious condition.

She then said, looking him straight in the eyes, that he should make sure his children had better living conditions than he did because you get what you give.

The son’s heart was irreparably wounded upon hearing those words. He understood that by bringing his mother to the nursing home without her consent, he had forgotten about her.

As children, it is our responsibility to make sure that our elderly parents can live out their final years in peace and comfort.