A paralyzed woman witnessed her husband entering the garage late at night.

After years of trial and error, Brad Soden eventually created a wheelchair that his wife, Liz, could be proud of. She was severely paralyzed in a car accident three months before their wedding and frequently lamented missing out on family outings and camping trips.

But now that she had a new wheelchair, she could take part in the excitement. Her joyous expression was priceless as she took part in activities with her children.

After seeing his wife sob over the difficulties of using a standard wheelchair, Brad Soden made the decision to take action. His wife needed a wheelchair, so he committed himself to creating one that was more comfortable and user-friendly. After years of trial and error, he finally created a wheelchair that suited her needs.

Brad was always driven to make things right for Liz, even if it meant going further than Liz thought was possible. After she complained that she was left out of the family’s outings, he came up with a solution. He bought her a camper van with a wheelchair lift so she could participate in the adventures while still having a good time.

Brad asserted that he is motivated by making his target cry with joy. He wants to achieve this.

Without a college degree or prior engineering experience, Brad, a plumber, overcame many challenges to develop a wheelchair with treads resembling those on a tank that is strong enough to operate in rocky terrain and durable enough to operate off-road. We started a few fires, but since we were close by, we were able to quickly put them out, says Brad.

He designed the wheelchair to navigate rocky terrain and steep inclines for people with mobility impairments who want to go outside and explore. Because it is not legal for the streets, only Brad currently uses it for personal use.

The Tankchair was designed to give Liz the freedom she desired. Brad soon made it his sole source of income.

Liz told Lauer that she was now able to go hiking and camping, something she had previously been unable to do. She used to have to sit in the car as they drove to the snow, but now she can get out and run after her kids.

Brad plans to give away tankchairs for free to injured veterans even though they are not insured because they are considered recreational vehicles.

The pricey chair that has a three-month waiting list for new ones and can move up to 30 miles per hour has become a popular choice for disabled soldiers. Veterans who have frequently used the chair say it has helped them regain their independence.