Creative young artist gets in trouble for drawing at school, but a local restaurant turns things around by inviting him to create a wall painting!

Most of us remember ignoring our teachers when we were in school.

If our teacher found us texting a friend or daydreaming out the window, we’d be in big trouble. Joe Whale knows this because he was often punished for doodling or not paying attention in class.

When Joe refused to stop drawing in his notebook at the age of nine, his parents decided to support his hobby. His father, Greg, from Shrewsbury, England, found an after-school art program near his home, and his teachers said it didn’t take long for him to realize that Joe was truly talented.

Joe’s art teacher Kerry told the Metro newspaper, “I asked his parents for some of his work to assess his level and could not believe what I was looking at; we moved him into an older class straight away.”

Get started with the ink and get it working perfectly right away without any experience. His work is very precise, perfect and perfectly balanced. Shortly after Joe’s art teacher shared some of his work on Instagram, something amazing happened.

Joe’s teacher was asked by the restaurant owner “No. 4” permission to use the 9-year-old boy’s drawings to decorate the restaurant. After school, my dad took his son Greg, an artist, to the restaurant to draw on the wall.

“Joe is a talented little boy; he’s excelling at school, and he’s a great footballer and cricketer, but drawing is definitely what he is most passionate about,” his delighted father remarked.

He used to scribble on the table’s whiteboard in class and get in trouble because he was frustrated about how little art he could produce.

“The idea that a wholly independent firm invited our nine-year-old son to perform professional work for them is astounding, and we are so pleased with everything he is accomplishing.”

What a gifted young man! Please tell your friends and family about Joe’s incredible artwork today if you’re as impressed as we are.