Florida Woman Recounts Harrowing Experience: ‘It Felt Like My Organs Were Being Crushed’ After Massive Ovarian Cyst Removal

Allison Fisher described the amazing journey she underwent after shedding 104 pounds. In addition to her periods becoming more erratic and lasting almost a year, she had been experiencing stomach pain for the majority of 2020.

Despite this, she put off getting medical help out of concern for having to go on another diet. When she visited the doctor for unrelated conditions like ear infections or colds, she frequently heard this.

She noticed a large, stone-like tumor quickly growing on her abdomen as her discomfort quickly worsened.

After doing some online research, she determined that the growth was brought on by an ovarian cyst with roughly 46 liters of fluid, a diagnosis that required medical treatment to confirm.

The Ascension St. Dr. Dot Martin Martino, a gynecologic oncologist at Vincent’s hospital, discovered that Sarah Fisher weighed 104 pounds and had an ovarian cyst measuring 10 cm in diameter.

When Fisher tried to lie on her stomach, she could feel her organs being squeezed because the cyst was so large. Her future ability to have children was also jeopardized by the left ovary’s three-fold twist.

Fortunately, Fisher said that the procedure gave her a “second chance” at life after the cyst was successfully removed.

Though Dr. Martino and his team had to untwist Sarah’s left ovary, they managed to do so.
She was still fertile as a result, giving her a chance to become pregnant in the future.

Following weight-loss surgery, Sarah Fisher, who had struggled for years with extreme obesity, was able to recommence her life.

She talked about the experience and added that she could now do regular activities and put on clothing that she couldn’t before. Additionally, Sarah wished to encourage others in a similar circumstance to seek medical attention without hesitation due to their size.

Many women eventually develop ovarian cysts, which are fairly common.
Most of the time, these cysts are painless, but larger or burst cysts can result in discomforts like pelvic pain, heaviness in the stomach, or bloating.

Any symptoms that persist for more than a few days should be checked by a doctor.