How Your Partner Shows Their Love

For some of us, it can be difficult to express our love. I understand that for some people, saying “I love you” comes naturally, which is amazing, but not everyone is good at it. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing, in my opinion. Maybe I’m just one of those people who mumbles it to everyone I’m friends with but struggles to express it in genuine relationships.

It’s not that I don’t know how to say “I love you” or when to say it; it’s just that the thought of it makes me feel a little clammy and uncomfortable. I try to ensure that I find other ways to reassure and reassure the people I’m with because I know it can be difficult for them and that’s entirely on me.

And yes, I am aware that many of these methods rely on food. I can’t help myself. But not all of them involve food. It can be done in a variety of ways, sometimes with more overt displays of support and other times by simply being more consistently present and supportive on a daily basis. However, there are many alternative ways to express your love for those of you who have trouble finding the right words.

Here are seven nonverbal cues your partner uses to show their affection for you, because if they give you the last mozzarella stick, they’re definitely serious.

  1. You Get The Last Spring Roll.
    I have no idea why any restaurant serves anything in an odd number, but I can only assume it’s because they enjoy watching relationships end in divorce. But all too frequently, you wind up with an odd number of mozzarella sticks, samosas, or other deep-fried treats. You both notice it right away and play a strange game of chicken where you both pretend you wouldn’t happily throw your loved one into traffic for just a little more deep-fried cheese. If they gave it to you, that says something.
  2. Attending a horribly awkward family event.
    This is a big request for me. Asking someone to join me for family time, especially on a holiday, can be a big ask because, like many people, it can be stressful and intense. And for many of us, it involves more than just one family; in fact, one of my best friends and her boyfriend went all out and celebrated Christmas with all four of their parents—who are all divorced—together in a single day. Those are four different Christmases. Four different, awkward Christmases were spent dealing with irrational, possibly racist, and enmity-filled relatives. I’m not sure what else it could be if that isn’t love.
  3. Providing You With Remote Control.

It is Friday evening. You want to cuddle up and watch a romantic period drama, while I prefer to eat donuts and watch a documentary about British brothels. However, if I let you have your way despite the fact that mine is undoubtedly the better choice, it will demonstrate how much I value you.

  1. Being Taken Care Of When You’re Sick.

This could be the height of unspoken affection. Being sick in a relationship is strange. There are dirty tissues all over the house, raw noses, and people continuing to have sex with you because they are attracted to you despite the fact that you have to stop mid-session to blow your nose. While they are taking care of you and bringing you orange juice that you will inevitably sneeze in, they are doing things that should disgust your significant other. That demonstrates concern for others.

When you sing show tunes, Disney, or 90s R&B, you shouldn’t complain because you sound like a dying cat having sex.
We all enjoy singing in the shower, but that doesn’t mean we can all sing in the shower. Some of us just scream horrifyingly and passionately in our heads, sounding like Adele. Love, however, requires you to endure your partner’s screams during an eight-hour road trip and to remain silent while your ears ring. Or, in my case, making them endure my whining while writhing around like a drunken seal the entire Cabaret score. If they permitted it to occur, it will actually take place.

Brunch in bed.
The best is the food. The other best option is bed. You’re very fortunate if your partner chooses to combine the two. For the record, I would not restrict this to breakfast; anyone is welcome to bring me any food item at any time of the day.

They’re Here to Remind You.
Simply being there and letting people know we’re available is one of the ways those of us who are less articulate with those three little words can show how much we care about them. What can I do to help? and “I’m here if you need me” come across as much easier to me. “, hopefully conveying how much I value the individual. It doesn’t mean that love and affection don’t exist just because some of us aren’t as good at making dramatic declarations of them.