Idaho Dad Stands Up to Bullies with a Powerful Message After His Son is Cruelly Labeled a ‘Monster

Jackson Bezant is an ordinary elementary school student. He is a fun-loving young man who enjoys fishing, the outdoors and spending time with his family.

Jackson is different from other children in that he was born with Treacher Collins syndrome. This affects the growth of facial tissues and bones. In Jackson’s case, he underwent surgery to repair his orbit and became completely deaf.

Moreover, it caused him to be constantly bullied by children and even some adults at school. An Idaho father was “devastated” when he learned his son was called “freak” at school.

The disgruntled father then decided enough was enough and went on a mission to teach his son’s abusers a lesson.

Jackson’s father, Dan, suffered this type of abuse many times. As he passed a woman walking down the street with her child, he asked, “Did you see that little child’s face?” -He heard him shout.

Dan usually kept his cool and focused on keeping his son happy and strong. Parents who see their children suffer will never do that. However, recent incidents at school forced Dan to speak up when he could no longer remain silent.

Jackson Bezzant was eating breakfast in the school cafeteria when three older boys approached him. They started mocking the child, calling him “ugly” and “monster”. Jackson stood by helplessly until the teacher’s counselor saw the cruel teasing and stepped in to stop the situation before it got any worse.

Dan cried when he heard the story, but the situation wasn’t over yet. Jackson had definitely threatened before, but Dan decided to do it as a last resort.

Dan was sending a clear message to all those who abused his son: Enough. Tired of seeing her young son being bullied and teased all the time, she posted an emotional message on Facebook condemning the bullying.

Dan said:

“My heart is breaking right now. I feel like my soul is being ripped out of my chest,” Dan said, according to People magazine. “This beautiful young man, my son Jackson, has to endure an endless barrage of ignorant accusations and insults. His classmates constantly call him a monster, stupid and ugly. It is said that he committed suicide when he was not even eight years old!

He claims that everyone hates him and that he has no friends. The children push him and throw stones at him. Think for a moment what you would do if this person were your child. Please take a moment to explain your child’s disability. Talk about things you empathize with and love about each other.

Treacher Collins is the name of his disease. At least do some research. “He’s been through a horrible surgery and will have many more,” Dan wrote. Dan doesn’t blame them, nor does he want others to. Although some may blame the school or the teachers for Jackson’s bullying.

Instead, he wants to blame parents for not teaching their children kindness, compassion, and acceptance. “I hope that the parents who read my works will understand my sadness. Tell your children that bullying is not tolerated. Share this. No one should have to go through this, Dan said. Jackson was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome. Therefore, his art was often criticized. This rare disease inhibits the growth of facial tissues and bones, leading to developmental problems and visible deformities.

Unfortunately, he will likely need several operations throughout his life. After reading his message, students at Jackson’s school befriended Dan and his family and reached out to care for the teenager.

Even Jackson was able to bond with two neighborhood kids with Treacher Collins Syndrome thanks to Dan’s inspiring words. Now they will meet.

Dan set up a mailbox where people could send letters or cards to Jackson and it filled up quickly from then on!

I was heartbroken after reading Dan’s desperate plea on Facebook and hearing that Jackson had been abused by other children. No one should have to put up with bullying.

Of course, most bullying incidents are unintentional. Children sometimes comment on what they see without thinking about the consequences or how it might affect others. But as Dan shows, just a little knowledge can prevent a lot of suffering.

If you agree, please tell us Jackson’s story.