Inside The Life of Jocelyn Wildenstein: The Billionaire Socialite Known As ‘Catwoman’

Plastic surgery has gained immense popularity over the past few decades. While some people may become addicted to procedures, it is important to respect everyone’s choice when it comes to their appearance. One woman who embodies this ideology is Jocelyn Wildenstein. She gained fame when she married billionaire Alec Wildenstein in the 1990s but became notorious for her numerous catlike transformations.

Jocelyn, also known as the Catwoman, was born Jocelynnys Dayannys da Silva Bezerra Périsset on September 7, 1945, in Lausanne, Switzerland. Growing up, she lived a rather ordinary life with her parents. However, everything changed when she began dating filmmaker Cyril Piguet at the age of 17. Jocelyn later moved to Paris, France, and lived with Italian French filmmaker Sergio Gobbi.

During this time, Jocelyn developed a passion for flying and hunting, eventually leading her to Africa. It was there that she was introduced to Alec by Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi at the Wildenstein family ranch called “Ol Jogi.” The couple hit it off and got married when they were in their 30s. They had two children, Diane and Alec Jr., but unfortunately, their marriage ended in divorce in the late 90s.

Jocelyn’s divorce from Alec was messy, resulting in a substantial settlement for her. But let’s delve deeper into her life and relationships.

Leaving Switzerland marked the beginning of a new chapter in Jocelyn’s life. “My life changed then,” she said. “Lausanne is very plain, but I began meeting exciting, glamorous people.” Jocelyn had a talent for dating wealthy men and it seemed to become a way for her to make a living. However, her true passion lay in decoration. “I am very good at decoration. I am maybe extremely good at decoration,” she stated. Although the specifics of her decoration endeavors are unclear, it is evident that this socialite possesses an artistic side.

Hunting and going on safaris in Africa became another one of Jocelyn’s passions. She regarded Africa as a paradise, where she met people with a unique perspective on life and a true love for adventure. It is worth mentioning that Jocelyn and Alec shared a fondness for big cats. In fact, Jocelyn had a lynx as a pet at one point. She even pointed out the similarities between the lynx’s beautiful eyes and her own, emphasizing that her eyes are natural.

Rumors suggest that Jocelyn started undergoing plastic surgery around a year into her marriage with Alec. Allegedly, he wanted her to have a more feline appearance, which initially sparked her interest in cosmetic procedures.

Plastic surgery was not the only challenge that Alec and Jocelyn faced. In a 1998 interview, Alec confirmed that his father had been against their marriage from the beginning. “He tried to warn me. My father checks things out,” Alec told Vanity Fair. Eventually, the constant cycle of plastic surgery procedures became a source of trouble for the couple. Alec stated, “She was crazy. She was thinking that she could fix her face like a piece of furniture. Skin does not work that way. But she wouldn’t listen.”

Alec was not the only one to notice Jocelyn’s obsession with surgery. According to a friend, Jocelyn was always recovering from some kind of procedure and had “mutilated herself.” However, Jocelyn denies having undergone multiple surgeries, claiming that her face has always appeared the way it does. “If I show you pictures of my grandmother,” she said, “what you see is these eyes—cat eyes—and high cheekbones.”

There was also pressure for perfection within their marriage. At one point, Alec and Jocelyn even went to get eye lifts together. Jocelyn revealed that Alec “hates to be with old people.” However, she admitted that he never forced her to go under the knife, always assuring her that she looked young. His concern only arose when he felt she no longer met his standards of youthfulness.

The couple’s marriage finally came to an end in 1999, following a dramatic incident where Jocelyn discovered Alec in bed with another woman. Alec, fearing a burglary, pulled a gun not only on Jocelyn but also on her bodyguards. The police were called, and Alec spent a night in jail. In the divorce settlement, Jocelyn was awarded a staggering $2.5 billion, with an additional $100 million per year for 13 years.

Since then, Jocelyn has remained relatively out of the public eye. Occasionally, she was spotted attending fashion shows with her ex-boyfriend, designer Lloyd Klein, until their split in 2016.

Do you remember Jocelyn Wildenstein? What are your thoughts on plastic surgery? Share your opinion and pass this fascinating story along to your friends and family.