Introducing the horse with a golden touch, hailed as “the world’s most beautiful”!

Horses are magnificent works of art. They are untamed and majestic, and nothing can compare to their breathtaking beauty.

The horse we’re about to introduce might be the most beautiful one you’ve ever seen.

In the opinion of experts, this Turkish horse is the most beautiful in the entire world.

He is a member of the Akhal-Teke breed, which was descended directly from the extinct Turkoman horse.

There are currently only 3,500 of these horses in existence.

You see a horse down there, and it looks like it’s covered in gold.

The Akhal-Teke is endowed with the most exquisite coat, which sparkles in the sunlight. A thoroughbred, it stands between 58 and 64 inches (147 and 163 cm) tall. In China, the horse is referred to as “the horse from heaven.”.

And there’s no denying that this fantastic creature looks divine.

Experts claim that its dazzling sheen is a result of the structure of its fur, which was created to reflect and intensify light.

It is believed that the ‘Akhal-Teke’ are born with this golden fur so they can use it as camouflage in the desert.

The breed is the oldest in the world and the first to be domesticated; it is believed to have started in Achal, Turkmenistan, about 3,000 years ago.

Enjoy this stunning natural wonder in the video down below.

So that more people are aware of this magnificent horse, kindly spread the word!