Life-Changing Moment! Police officer gifts a Bible to a homeless man, making a profound impact.

One rainy night, Greenville, South Carolina, deputy officer Holman spotted a homeless man walking the streets. The events that followed changed the course of his life.

When the man stopped, the police asked if he was a local. The homeless man, Robert Morris, admitted that he had no home. He had been residing in a tent in the woods, but a river had ruined it.

He was cold, he was hungry, and he had serious drug and alcohol problems. The loss of his sister and parents had a negative effect on him, he acknowledged to the police officer. His interactions with his siblings were tense.

The local shelters that Officer Holman tried to reach were all booked up for the evening. He didn’t want to leave this man entirely.

Officer Holman usually keeps two extra Bibles in the trunk of his patrol car, but this time he could only find his own copy. Morris needed it more than he did, so he gave it to him.

Before departing, the policeman gave Morris some food while wishing he could have done more. Morris called the police years after the incident to thank Officer Holman for saving his life.

After that encounter, Morris checked himself into a rehab center and made amends with his family. Morris’ life was forever changed by the kindness Officer Holman showed him that evening.