Miracle Baby Found Abandoned in a Plastic Bag, Inspiring Thousands to Offer Adoption

A true miracle and “act of God,” this baby’s survival. “.

Three teenage girls were taking a stroll through the Forsyth County woods when they heard some strange noises. They weren’t sure what kind of animal was making those peculiar noises, which sounded like a baby crying.

After that, they continued to stare at one another as if they were unsure whether a baby could possibly be present in the middle of the woods. They chose to ask their father for help despite how strange that sounded by calling him. And it turned out to be the wisest choice they could have made.

Their father Alan Ragatz arrived and was shocked by what he saw. In a plastic bag, the infant’s umbilical cord was still attached, and it was small.

Only a few hours old, the baby girl would not have lived if Alan and his girls hadn’t helped.

One of Alan’s daughters, Kayla, recalled that special day, saying, “We grabbed our flashlights and we’re driving around and we’re, like, ‘That doesn’t sound like an animal. ‘”.

When they informed Alan that they believed to have heard baby cries, he responded, “That’s got to be impossible. It could be a baby raccoon, deer, or something else. “.

The little baby’s life was saved, thank goodness, because his daughters were right and acted quickly.

“We descended and raised it back up. We called 911 because there was a pitiful, tiny baby wrapped in a plastic bag, Alan continued. She was still breathing. She was crying, which we took to be a sign. Much worse things could have happened.
I should be proud of my daughters.
It was they who kept going. “.

The infant was taken to a secure area where she received the support and care she required after authorities were informed and informed.

Without a doubt, divine help was used to locate this baby. Sheriff Ron Freeman thanked the Ragatz family for their efforts and said, “Without these citizens, we’d be having a different conversation right now.

The baby’s survival, whom they named India, was truly miraculous and “an act of God” because, despite the way her mother had thrown her, she had no injuries.

India’s story gained popularity, and lots of people expressed interest in adopting her. Actually, more than a thousand people were eager to offer her the home that her biological parents were unable to. Tom Rawlings, director of the state Division of Family and Children Services, claims that “literally thousands of people from across the nation and other parts of North America have come forward wanting to adopt Baby India.”.

Fortunately, Princess India is doing well and is eager to meet her new parents. She’s gaining weight and is happier. She’s a happy baby who likes to be held and sang to, and she’s doing well right now,” Rawlings continued.

The little girl who refused to give up the fight for her life and did everything in her power to have her cries for help heard is now receiving the love and best wishes of the entire nation.

All we can hope for is a bright future for little India.