Mom of Black and White Twins Constantly Asked ‘Which One is Yours?

When she gave birth in February, the 31-year-old Nigerian had no idea what was going to happen to her. Now she can easily tell the difference between her sons’ identical twins. Although Daniel and David were born just minutes apart, they look nothing alike.

Albino are the children of Stacey and Babajide, black people living in Lagos. Due to their strikingly different looks, the adorable twins often turn heads wherever they go.

David has stunning fair skin and golden hair, while Danielle has dark, curly black hair that looks a lot like her five-year-old sister Demilade. Stacey’s decision to share the odd couple’s activities on Instagram has seen the twins gain nearly 18,000 followers a year later.

Everyone was surprised when the twins were born on February 26 last year. “I didn’t know what was different when I was pregnant and was surprised when the scan results didn’t show much. The first twin (Daniel) had black hair and the second twin (David) had golden hair. .

I got CS and the doctors said, “It looks like you gave birth to non-identical twins.” Stacey, a mother of three, explains: “The next thing I knew the nurses had come and checked on them.” It was easy to tell the twins apart because one was black and the other white.

Stacey shared her husband’s candid reaction to the incident. “Their father was very happy and immediately named the second twin (David) ‘Golden’, so we affectionately call him Uncle.” gold. He was happy to see his sons. “He looked at them after 10 minutes and said he saw the amazing work of God and that this was his greatest gift.”

David has a very rare form of albinism. Only one in 20,000 babies is born with this disease.

Albinism is a congenital disease characterized by a deficiency of melanin, a pigment present in the skin, hair and eyes. All racial and ethnic groups are affected, and pigmentation types are affected to varying degrees.

Albinism is a rare disease with a birth rate of 3,000 to 20,000. Bees can cause a variety of skin and facial problems, so you need to take extra care.

David has beautiful golden hair and a pale complexion due to albinism. Fortunately, Stacey insists that David is healthy.

Nigeria has one of the highest rates of albinism in the world, with over 2 million confirmed or suspected cases. However, statistics show that members of this community are still stigmatized because of the color of their skin.

The more than 600,000 Nigerians with albinism face discrimination and harassment from peers, family and communities, often resulting in employment problems and school failure. Stacey said she loves both her sons unconditionally and equally and no one has ever said a negative word to her.

“There’s always chatter whenever we go out and people often want to know how and what’s going on. Maybe because of their cute and cuddly personalities, they just want to come and say hi to us.”

Because of their unique features, the twin family received modeling offers from a British agency. Ready to take advantage of every opportunity, the family created an Instagram account to share their joy and focus on important issues. Stacey and I decided to open an account to raise awareness as we believe they have a story to tell. “They have two wonderful different personalities. They are one and a half years old, they walk and are very playful,” explains Stacey.

“Daniel is more expressive and David is closer. Both have a very strong desire to learn. Daniel is a foodie and David is a picky eater. Daniel is very playful and David chooses his moments. Daniel always likes to play the big brother role. “They’re both full of energy.”

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