Raising My Kids: A Fresh Take on Modern Parenting

In today’s complex world, raising children can be a daunting task. Audrey, a mother of two known as @theorganicmami on TikTok, has taken a bold approach to ensure her children’s safety and well-being.

Audrey recently shared her unique parenting perspective in a get-ready-with-me video, sparking both support and controversy. She firmly believes in prioritizing her child’s safety, which includes strict rules like no sleepovers, not even at grandparents’ houses or with male relatives. This rule applies to both her daughter and son, emphasizing equal treatment and safety.

Audrey also champions consent and boundaries, allowing her daughter to decide on hugs and kisses and encouraging open communication with no secrets. Rejecting public schooling, she seeks alternative education to foster her daughter’s emotional autonomy and opinions.

While some parents resonate with Audrey’s emphasis on safety, others question the lack of traditional experiences like sleepovers. Despite mixed reactions, Audrey’s focus remains on a secure, empowered upbringing for her children.

What do you think? Are Audrey’s choices too extreme or sensible in today’s world? Share your thoughts in the comments!