Rare Filly Born with Unique Face Pattern Delights Horse Enthusiasts

Melbourne, Florida horse breeders Scott and Jackie Nelson are known for producing outstanding painted horses at their Down Under Collar Ranch. Their horses regularly win awards at horse shows. The couple were recently surprised and delighted by the birth of a mare with unusual markings. They affectionately called her Coconut.

Coconut labels are important. In the past, such markings would have made the horse a prized warhorse among indigenous peoples. These horses held a special place in the hearts of the tribe.

Tribal medicine men were important figures in Native American culture, serving as spiritual leaders and healers. He was responsible for the mental and physical well-being of his tribe. For a healer to fulfill his role, he had no choice but to ride a warhorse.

Warhorses are characterized by their mottled color, white hair, and small spots covering the top of their head and ears. These brands are often referred to as “medical hats” or “military hats.” However, the value of a warhorse goes far beyond its appearance.

A real warhorse should have special blue eyes. According to local tradition, blue eyes served as a guide to the healer’s spirit. If a medicine man falls in battle, his soul is transferred to the gods through the warhorse’s blue eyes.

War horses were believed to have extraordinary abilities. Indigenous people believed they protected healers and tribesmen from harm. Additionally, warhorses were thought to have an uncanny ability to track unnoticed prey in the forest. Another evidence of the importance of warhorses is that tribes often attempted to steal them from rival tribes. They believed that by capturing a warhorse, they could remove its superior magic and weaken opposing tribes. As a result, the tribe jealously guarded the warhorse.

When Jackie and Scott first saw Coconut’s unique brand, they were amazed. Capturing the magic of the moment, the couple shared a video that has now been viewed nearly 4 million times.

The birth of Coconut is a rare event and the couple feels incredibly happy. So, what do you think about the appearance of coconuts? Do you find the local folklore surrounding warhorses interesting? Share this article and video with your friends to help them understand Scott and Jackie’s extraordinary life.