Snooki Takes a Stand Against Online Weight Shamers: ‘It’s Not Nice to Comment on People’s Bodies

Online trolls have criticized Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi in the past for her behavior, her parenting style, and, of course, her appearance.

But now the Jersey Shore star is speaking out — not just for herself, but for anyone who has ever struggled with body image — in a viral TikTok that had 1.7 million views as of press time.

“I am aware that it affects a lot of people. It’s an issue for both men and women, she said. Weight is what it is called. ”.

Online trolls who disparage people’s appearances, in her opinion, are the real issue.

She questions, “Who are you to call people “pigs,” “fat,” and “disgusting,” and [say], ‘Your body looks terrible?'”. I mean, no. You are learning from this. If you believe those things—about which I’m sure many people have opinions because everyone has an opinion—do you want to judge people’s appearances and bodies?

Then, she suggests, “do it in the privacy of your a-hole mind.”. “Or you could just call someone. To spread rumors about someone’s weight, call your a-hole friend. ”.

“Don’t comment it on the Internet,” advises the mother of Lorenzo, 10, Angelo, 4, and Giovanna, 7, to those who have these ideas.
mainly due to people’s sensitivity.
especially those who have struggled with their body image and eating disorders and are just beginning to learn to love themselves. Then they gained 5 pounds, my God. You are a fat pig. You are repulsive. You put on weight. Amazing, what happened to you?”.

That’s not acceptable. Because after they finally emerge from a hole, you can put them back there. Stop making weight-related remarks, this video is for everyone out there. It is irrelevant. Providing you are a good person and feel comfortable in your own skin. Quit criticizing people’s bodies. It isn’t pleasant. ”.

Polizzi acknowledges that the problem has been a problem for her since she was a teen.
She has been open about her own fitness journey, especially since becoming a mother.

She admits in the video that she has battled with her weight all of her life. Not so great in high school. Lack of energy, underweight, and lack of eating.

Scary things were happening.
Thus, high school wasn’t a good environment for me to manage my weight. I aspired to be size 0 and extremely lean. Oh my God, I was so depressed, I wasn’t eating, and I had no energy even though I could fit into the jeans. ”.

When she began appearing on Jersey Shore in 2009, when the now-35-year-old was only 21 years old, she claimed that her attitude changed.

Regarding the wildly popular MTV program, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, whose newest season premieres next month, Polizzi said, “I was like, you know what? I’m going to enjoy my life.”.

“Not worrying about what I was eating” was the implication. Also, “I can only eat that this time” and “I can only eat this many calories” are not acceptable excuses. “Nah, girl. I had a good time. ”.

Polizzi acknowledged gaining weight while filming Jersey Shore, but she also said, “I feel like I was always confident in my skin,” adding that it didn’t matter if she was a size zero or a size eight because she knew she was beautiful and amazing no matter what size she was. ”.

Please, I love you, she said as she ended her video. Be kind to each other,” he said, before adding an angry, “Sh-t!” at the end.