The Obama Family: Life at Home During the Lockdown

The coronavirus pandemic has affected people of all walks of life, including former First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughters. In a recent appearance on the Conan O’Brien show, Michelle Obama shared some insights into how her family has been coping with the challenges of being stuck at home. While she values the quality time spent with her daughters, Sasha and Malia, it seems that the girls are not as thrilled about being confined to their home with their parents.

“We had a routine. During the day, we would all be doing our own work – the girls had their online classes – and then in the evenings, we would come together,” Michelle explained. “We would have activities, play games, solve puzzles, and even have cocktails together.” The family made the most out of their time together by engaging in various fun-filled activities.

One of the highlights was when former President Barack Obama taught the girls how to play the card game spades. They also had an art exhibit day where each member of the family created watercolor paintings and showcased their work. These activities brought them closer and created lasting memories.

However, as time went on, the novelty of being at home wore off, especially for Sasha and Malia, who had to continue their education virtually. “Now the kids are back in Zoom land classes. They’re doing it remotely, and they’re no longer thrilled about being with us,” Michelle shared.

The Obamas’ experiences during the lockdown garnered attention from Entertainment Tonight, with thousands expressing their admiration and support. Comments flooded in, highlighting not only the family’s intelligence and honesty but also their beauty and humility. However, some expressed disappointment that the focus was mainly on their appearance rather than their achievements.

The Obama family’s story during the lockdown raises interesting questions about the challenges faced by families worldwide. How have you and your loved ones been coping with the current situation? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts. Together, we can find strength and support in our shared experiences.
