Unlocking the Secrets of Israel’s Future: Delving into the Prophecies of Nostradamus

Nostradamus’ Prophecies: Fact or Fiction?
Michel de Nostradamus, better known as Nostradamus, was a famous French astrologer who captured the imagination of many people of his time. The popularity of his work Les Propheties, published in 1555, increased dramatically, but it is important to evaluate the accuracy of his predictions.

Nostradamus claimed that his predictions were based on astrological information, but his abilities were heavily criticized. A study of his prophecies has shown that a significant part of the prophetic writings is a paraphrase of an ancient collection of end-of-the-world prophecies, taken mainly from the Bible and supplemented with references to supposed historical events.

“The City of God” and the Future of Israel
In his Quadrilateral, Nostradamus spoke of World War III resulting from conflict in what he called the “City of God.” Given the historical context of Nostradamus’ time, it becomes clear that he was referring to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. Ironically, as attacks on Israel by the Islamic group Hamas continue, many people view Nostradamus’s words as an ominous prophecy.

According to Nostradamus, the great leader would surrender after the war in the “City of God”, which would start World War III.
Future Insight: War and the Third Antichrist

“In the ‘City of God’, there will be a powerful thunder/ Two brothers torn apart by chaos, while the city withstands/ The great leader will surrender/ The third great war will begin when the great city is burning.”

Nostradamus also mentioned a major war that he predicted would take place in 2023.

“Seven months of Great War, people dying due to wicked deeds. Rouen, Evreux will not fall into the hands of the king.”
Also, according to the prophecy of Nostradamus, it was predicted that the third Antichrist will appear in 2023. According to French astrologers, the first two Antichrists were Napoleon and Hitler.

“The Antichrist will soon destroy the three/ His war will last twenty-seven years/ The unbelievers will be dead, captives, or exiled/ With blood, human bodies, water, and red hail covering the earth,” as described in “Les Prophéties.”
These prophecies should be viewed with caution, but they reflect the interests and concerns of many people. Only time will tell if Nostradamus’ predictions are true and how they relate to future events.