Viral Video: Hilariously Angry Newborn Baby Takes the Internet by Storm!

Birth photography captures the genuine, unadulterated feelings of a very special occasion. Rarely does a photographer get the “golden shot,” a singular photo that stands out right away. And Isabela Jesus’ birth was exactly like this.

Crying, sleeping, eating, and occasionally making faces are typical newborn behaviors. In stark contrast to this trend, Isabela Pereira de Jesus stood out. She stood out in a genuinely unique way by displaying an extraordinary capacity for self-expression right away, in contrast to most infants.

The photographer, Rodrigo Kunstmann, said that he had to be extremely alert to get a shot like this because the moment only lasted a short while. Normally, he records amusing birth stories, but Isabela’s was the most well-known.

Immediately after Rodrigo posted the picture on his Facebook page, it was inundated with endearing and original captions. Others laughed at the doctor’s quick delivery or said the child wasn’t quite ready to be born. The picture immediately caused joy and laughter to spread throughout the entire world.

Given that both mother and child are in good health, you can relax. On the other hand, Isabela wasn’t the only grumpy child to be born on this planet. Her mother and the internet both cracked up at Winter Josephine’s irate expression. The womb might be a more comfortable place to stay in that situation!