When the Bill Arrived: An Awkward Dining Dilemma with the In-Laws

One woman didn’t like how her relatives implied they had to pay for food for her and her husband, even though she had given them dinner invitations. The woman unexpectedly said something that confused those around her. It’s always nice to treat your family to a delicious meal, especially on special occasions.

However, the woman wrote on Reddit that her in-laws took advantage of her and her husband’s kindness and always assumed they would cover the costs. When she finally raised the issue, she was portrayed as a rude daughter-in-law. Fortunately, she still managed to save their relationship. self-proclaimed gourmet

The 37-year-old and her 40-year-old husband have developed a passion for restaurants and describe themselves as “foodies.” Fortunately, they have the resources to dine at unique restaurants.

In some cases, she may have a loved one join her once every three or four months. As the senders of the invitations, the couple also pays for the parents’ meals. However, those close to the women may have had a different impression of their actions. One day his relatives invited them to dinner. The restaurant was near their parents’ home and became a new location for the couple.

The woman did not pay any attention to this and believed that her relatives were trying to match their interests in different foods.

Check eligibility for free meals

After dinner, the woman’s mother-in-law took her bill and immediately handed it to the woman’s husband without looking at the amount. My husband was surprised but paid for the cheap meal without saying anything. Her woman also kept her own thoughts close to her heart. However, his relatives again invited them to a more exclusive restaurant, which turned out to be a little expensive. They had eaten at this establishment before so everyone knew the price range. The mother-in-law once again let her husband slip the bill.

This time, the woman was already aware of her mother-in-law’s behavior, which she was dissatisfied with. After a while, she said, her loved ones still allowed her to pay the bills.

Another invitation to eat out

Once, a woman’s husband told her mother about his wife’s professional achievements, which had won her an award. My mother-in-law immediately offered to celebrate this event in a very famous restaurant. When the woman’s husband told her about the project on the phone, she asked, “Who will pay for it?” she says:

“He immediately hung up and called me rude. I don’t think I need to pay every time his parents want to go out to dinner, and I’m going to use my reward (which really wasn’t much) for a fancy night out. Told. ”

Her husband thought they could afford to pay for all the dinners, but her relatives couldn’t. The woman’s comments made her relatives feel uncomfortable, as if they were stealing her son’s property. They apologized to the woman and asked her to resolve what happened.

Her husband suggested that she just eat at a restaurant where her parents wanted to keep the peace. Meanwhile, the woman suggested dinner at a fancy restaurant for her parents’ anniversary. However, her in-laws already wanted dinner and suggested it would be rude to split the bill in half.

The woman received several comments on her Reddit post, many of which were on her side. She later revealed that her husband later apologized and she realized it was a mistake for her parents to ask for food at their own expense. He also claimed that he felt trapped at the time and panicked.

Considering the rights of her parents since the woman’s husband is her son, the woman apologized for hurting her parents. However, it was decided to postpone the dinner until the anniversary. The couple still had quarterly dinners with their in-laws, but they declined the invitation.

Do you think the wife was right in refusing to pay for food for her husband’s relatives? Or should she have paid? What if you were a woman?