Women Perform Stunning WWII Classic – Audience Surprised by Special Guest Appearance on Stage!

During this spellbinding performance, you won’t be able to look away. Nine women take the stage as Simon Cowell and the other judges get ready to be amazed on Britain’s Got Talent.

The women are dressed as if they have just left a WWII-era movie set, complete with military uniforms, victory rolls, pinned hair, and cherry red lipstick—all instantly recognizable symbols from another time.

In front of an electronic backdrop in shades of orange, pink, and purple, the women form a military formation. You would be right if you assumed it resembled a poster from World War II.

A subsequent event occurs. The D-Day Darlings give a sincere performance of a timeless classic that is perfectly suited to the time and the performance. I won’t give away the song’s name to spoil the surprise for you. The only thing you can do is wait and see. This nostalgic, tearful flashback touched many people.

The D-Day Darling choir was established in 2008 as a result of the members’ interest in and reverence for the time period as well as the fact that they have ancestors who served in the military in both the past and the present. For instance, one of their grandfathers, Clifford Storr, was a RAF flight navigator for the renowned Lancaster Bomber aircraft.

They put on a strong performance that impressed the judges and the audience, but as if that weren’t impressive enough, a group of veterans in military uniforms entered the stage, adding a whole new level to this amazing performance.

They aren’t entertainers, it finally dawns on them at that point. These people are currently here with us and are true members of The Greatest Generation. Even though it was a wonderful homage, this is the least we can do. The people who fought for the freedoms we enjoy today deserve so much more from us.

With a friend, enjoy and discuss this classic performance. Both experts on WWII history and music fans will be enthralled by this unique concert. It’s a really energizing performance. Enjoy the show, then share it with others.